Cape Town Luxury Villas.com
By Nick Ray Ball 16th March 2016
Development stared in February 2013, at first, a complete copy of Cape Villas.com was created. After which every line of code was re written according to Googles SEO guide, which included making the software ‘Magic Keywords’ a new Content Management System and a much improved product display.
After a year of work, including a API link to the Razor Property Management System, an up to date and more attractive version of the website was created, which became an instant success when launched in March 2014 and in 2015 Cape Town Luxury Villas.com (CTLV) generated a turnover of over $600,000 (ZAR 9,115,000) with gross profits of $105,000 (ZAR 1,434,000).
The marketing for Cape Town Luxury Villas.com (CTLV) was primarily Google AdWords, which due to Nick Ray’s 11-year experience with AdWords on CapeVillas.com meat he succeeded where others did not. To Date the AdWords cost is $18,500 (ZAR 280,000) which generated about $73,000 (ZAR 1,004,000) of CTLV’s gross profit.
An additional $32,000 (ZAR 430,000) has been made from the SOE software ‘Magic Keywords’ and a high Google placement for ‘luxury’ keywords. In 2016 we started a content marketing strategy and have added a blog. Which presents villas in a magazine format, often with beautiful HTML5 animated slideshows at the top. See…
With a turnover of over $600,000 (ZAR 9,115,000) Cape Town Luxury Villas has done well, and surprised all the big players in the industry. However, it is the future of CTLV that is most exciting.
CTLV is owned by Villa Secrets ltd. But is independently managed. In 2015 by ‘Cape Luxury Accommodation’ and in 2016 by ‘Cape Villas.com’ who pay 25% of gross profit, which is (about a 4.5% of income) to Villa Secrets. Which gets used for development.
Villa Secrets is for all intents and purposes a non-profit company, that invests all income into creating better software and marketing opportunities for its partners. The more money Villa Secrets make the better the software and opportunities are for its network.
Villa Secrets are embarking on a software development project that will take three years and cost at least $3 Million. Some of which will be generate by the sale of Cape Town Luxury Villas.com, and the rest from creating new Villa websites internationally and in Cape Town create a network of in complimentary niches. Such as Safari Bookings, Real Estate Sales, Property Management, Film and Resorts.
Cape Town Luxury Villas will be sold, as a member of Villa Secrets, in a similar method as franchise, but instead of a franchise fee, the contribution of 15% of GP rising to 25% of GP will be spent on improving the profitably of Cape Town Luxury Villas.com and the greater network.
We call the business methodology: ‘Boost it!’ and it is underpinned by some fiendishly complex mathematics. Initially, the contribution will be spent directly on boosting the GP of CTLV, by different direct marketing methods. Then after a set GP point is reached, the contribution will be spent on a combination of boosting factors: The development of software, staffing for media and content marketing, guests gifts and various network expansion exercises.
To assist us to ‘Boost it,’ we are developing custom software that we call TFBMS (Total, Financial, Business & Marketing software). Which adds the ‘Boost it’ algorithm to our current software Magic Keywords, Magic Menus, VS Mobile and our plan for The Divergent CRM
This software is really awesome, it has over 93 different components and its currently forecast to improve profitability by just under 400%. We are proud to be tested on this forecast and present over 4 hours of video on the specifications, see: The Divergent CRM
However, the software and direct marketing is not the only way we ‘Boost it!’
Another method, which becomes available to a team that contains a good sales person, is that CTLV, as the principle villa rental agency in the Cape Town Villa Secrets network will receive the enquiries form the Villa Secrets website, this alone could immediately increase revenue by 100% and more and increase the likelihood of gaining property mandates.
Then comes the Cape Town network, which is currently being considered as: An Architect, a Villa Hotel management company, a Real Estate agent, a Safari specialist an Apartments specialist, an International Luxury Villas company and an internationality recognised Brand. At the last count this union creates 31 distinct reasons why CTLV will increase profit.
All together ‘Boost it!’ has a portfolio of opportunities that can boost a company by up to 6400%
And here’s how we do it: Ŝ = (Ḡ x § x Ѳ x Ś x Ś2 x ᶆ x ʧ ) x ϻ
Note the ‘ϻ’ at end, that stands for ‘Available Market share’ this tells us is that boosting a single company continuously is not always the best way to higher profits, instead in some or many cases its better to use the most economic boosting methods in one location then expend to a new location.
This brings us to what, for me, is by far the most interesting part of the plan. Its called ‘POP,’ which stands for ‘The Pressure of Profit Investment System’ Their is an accompanying article and spreadsheet for this, but its simple enough to explain:
At a set point of Gross Profit of between ZAR 5,700,000 & ZAR 7,600,000. (a 400% to 530% improvement on 2015). All additional profit, and all of the 25% contribution to Villa Secrets is used to create either a second Villa Rental company in a different location, a company is a different niche in the same location or as has had thousands of hours of consideration, create a resort development.
This ecologically friendly venture was macro economically (in a big way) described in 2012, within the book ‘The Theory of Every Business‘. And as is now micro economically (in a small way) described as a collection of 8 beach front super-villas and a 7 star hotel designed by Stefan Antoni in Koh Samui, Thailand.
No matter where we build or how small or large the development, our ace in the hole, will be the ability for the Villa Secrets network, to boost and market the villas. Achieving excellent rental returns and selling at a premium due to the position and quality of the architecture, the rental return and the collection of realtors in the network.
The exact path we take will be decided based upon after much research and the application of this algorithm: P x gs x (Ŝ x ϻ) = Ѫ
Don’t hate the maths, this math shines the way for every owner of a Villa Secrets company to own their own mansion within 10 years. Plus it has the capacity to do great good as it is modelled on physics of ‘Theory of Everything.’
Lastly it worth mentionaing that as the Villa Secrets network prototype, I have a a great desire to see Cape Town Luxury Villas.com do as well as possible, as it sets a president for all other Villa Secrets ventures.
Thanks you for reading
Nick Ray Ball